Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pytons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pytons - Research Paper Example Since pythons are non-venomous, they depend heavily on bank heavily on their strength to catch their prey, because of their strength they can swallow large animals like pigs, dogs, cats etc. Reticulated pythons are considered to be the world’s longest snakes, these pythons measure up to 33 feet long. Pythons bite their prey and then they wrap their body around their prey and use their strength to squeeze it until the prey is suffocated and is unable to breath. Hence their prey dies and once the prey is dead they swallow the whole body and eat it in single gulp (Goldish). It is said that a python takes several days to digest its prey. Pythons lay 2-10 eggs and incubation time for their eggs is 56 days. On an average the life span of a python is around 25 years, but 48 years is the maximum a ball python has said to have lived. Bibliography SZG Docent. What are Snakes? 11 May 2011 . Shine, R. Australian Snakes: A Natural History. New York: Reed Books, 1991. Goldish , M. Reticulat ed Python: The World's Longest Snake. New York: Bearport Publishing Company, 2010.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

On Multicultural Beliefs and Myths of Sexual Anatomy Essay Example for Free

On Multicultural Beliefs and Myths of Sexual Anatomy Essay Based on what I’ve experienced and heard from one of my Asian friends, most beliefs or myths are more common to males rather than females, with practices mostly concerning the penis. Circumcision is a practice very common in certain parts of the world due to the main influence of religion. In Southeast Asia, specifically in the Philippines, there are still existing beliefs being practiced surrounding circumcision. A male by at least age 10 should be circumcised to ensure they reach their height potential. It is discouraged to have the procedure done right after birth, believing that as the child gets bigger, the foreskin will grow back, thus needing to do another procedure as the child won’t reach his maximum height potential due to the fact that the procedure was done soon after birth. This procedure is usually considered a big event in the child’s life and is decided for by the parents. After the circumcision is done, customary beliefs expect the male child to chew on guava leaves and afterwards, wrap the chewed leaves onto the penis to prevent infection. For some, it is established for the circumcised male child to jump into the river to cleanse the wound. This practice is usually done during the summer months when the kids are out of school and still have time to heal. In the rural areas, it is a huge event and done in makeshift hospitals with volunteers assisting the boys in doing the procedure. Kids often get teased prior to being circumcised by the older kids as this procedure is considered a rite of passage. Kids circumcised soon after birth also get teased about not getting any taller because the procedure was not done at the right time. Of course, by the time that these kids get the right to do the procedure, all bets are off and those circumcised as a baby would often have the upper hand at teasing their previous tormentors. My Asian friend also relayed to me their beliefs about women once they reach the puberty stage and get their menses. According to the old customs in their provinces, the girls are expected clean their underwear upon getting their menses and afterwards, cleanse their face with the same underwear to ensure that they don’t get pimples. Others take it a step further by cleaning their face with their â€Å"first† menstrual blood for the same purpose. The girls are often asked to jump three times on the stairs, which also serves as a cleansing ritual. Some believe that the number of times you jump from the stairs will determine the duration of your menstrual period thus, three jumps would mean you will only have three days of your period. Myths about pregnant women are also widely circulated in their culture, especially in certain rural areas of their country as expectant mothers are advised to be careful when sleeping at night. It is said that evil witches in the form of an elderly woman (although the witch is often regarded as a shape shifter) would take the fetus from the woman’s womb by climbing on top of the roof and yanking the fetus using their long tongue. According to my good friend, this belief is still prevalent in their modern society as it is being portrayed in popular culture via the media. Even in the urban areas, pregnant women are advised by their parents not to sleep near the window for fear that they might be seen and victimized by these witches. All these beliefs and myths are still thriving today in the modern world with the older generation ensuring that the young continue to uphold these traditions and practices. There may be a few that veer away from this path but society still finds a way to remind everyone about these practices.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effectiveness of Guidelines on Myocardial Self-Care

Effectiveness of Guidelines on Myocardial Self-Care ASSESS THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HEALTH GUIDELINE ON SELF CARE FOR MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION PATIENTS. Patel Asha N.   Abstract: Heart disease is first of the largest killer diseases in the world. According world health organization estimated 17 million people worldwide coronary vascular disease. In developing country the cost of bypass surgery and angioplasty is very high. every person cannot affordable for taking treatment. this study helps to patient about self care precaution and awareness of disease and its minimizes the further complication. This study helps to myocardial infarction patient to improve their health. This study is a experimental study. The population of this study consists of medical college attached government hospitals in Gujarat state. This stydy include the 35 samples in male and female. A structured questioner tool is prepared for assessing the knowledge including six component (self care, modifications, exercise, pulse monitoring, diet, stress reduction technique) and check list, ratings scale prepared for assessing the performance of their activities(pulse monitoring, musc le starching exercise, stress reduction technique) the finding is indicated that health guideline is very effective for the MI patient to improving their health and healthy life style. Key words: Effectiveness, Health guideline, Myocardial infarction, Performance rating scale observational check list. Introduction: The widely accepted definition of â€Å"WHO† in 1948 in preamble to its constitution which is follows â€Å"Health† is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of any disease or infirmity†. So according to W.H. O. health cannot be defined as a ‘state’ but it must been as a process of continue adjustment to the changing meaning which we give to life. This is a dynamic concept. Heart disease is first of the largest killer disease in the world. Cardiovascular disease are major contributors to the global burden of chronic disease with 29.3% of global deaths and 9.9% of total disease burden, in terms of disability- adjusted life years lost, being reported in 2003. Low and middle income countries accounted for 78% and 86% of the CVD deaths and daily lost, respectively, worldwide in 1998. In India CVD is projected to be the largest cause of death and disability by 2020 with 2.6 million Indians predicted to die due to coronary heart disease, each consist 54.1% of all CVD deaths. In resent year education has come to be considered as an integral component of health care. The modern philosophy of health care in every society take in to consideration the physical, special for diet, psychological and socio cultural environment and other thing in that stress management using many technique like mediation, relaxation etc. MI is a chronic life long illness. The basic component of self care applies to all cardiac patients but the care must be designed to fit each person individual needs and habits. In order to meet learning needs of the patients, prepare health guideline on self care activities for the promotion of the health, prevention of further risk or complication, early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. It aims at the modification of life style – change in diet, regular exercise, avoid smoking and avoid alcohol and stress management for preventing health crisis. Objectives of the study To assess the knowledge of self care on myocardial infarction before and after introducing health guideline and demonstration on self care activates to myocardial patients admitted in medical ward in medical college attached government hospitals in Gujarat state. To assess the performance of self care on myocardial infarction before and after introducing health guideline and demonstration on self care activates to myocardial patients admitted in medical ward in medical college attached government hospitals in Gujarat state. Literature reviewed: Important education after myocardial infarction: Duryee R, â€Å" The efficiency of inpatient educational after myocardial infarction in that the educating the patient who has experienced a MI has long been a challenge for the professional nurse. Nurse has prepared volumes of teaching materials to enlighten the patient who has experienced an MI. the purpose of this study was to review the research literature on in- patient education after MI published between 1975 and 1983 the review of 21 studies to determine what information is most important to patients whether inpatient teaching increase patient knowledge, whether lifestyle changes are affected by education and which instructional methods were most effective. Multiple teaching methods were used across the 21 studies reviewed: individual and group session led by nurse rehabilitators, slide sound presentation, videotape sessions with a nurse. The studies demonstrated that audiovisual methods are as effective as presentations by an educator. Important of diet for heart disease. Miss Saramma Jacob â€Å"A study of the knowledge of the patients and the relatives about the importance of salt restricted diet as a therapy in some heart disease†. This study was designed to explore the knowledge of the patients and the relatives about the importance of salt restriction and also the importance of using the prescribed amount of salt. Through this of study it was found that knowledge of this patient and the relatives about the importance of salt restricted diet as a therapy and the relatives about the importance of salt restricted diet as a therapy in some of the heart disease has increased 10% to 70% proper explanation and teaching about the important of salt restricted diet is the reason for this increase in knowledge. All patients used the prescribed amount of salt within one day when they realized the importance. Robertson d and keller C. â€Å" Relationship among health beliefs. Self efficiency and exercise adherence in patients with coronary artery disease.† Many nursing care hours are dedicated to educating patients with coronary artery disease about their disease process and requisites life style changes in order to maximize life expectancy. New therapies may abort life threatening events, however control of the progression of coronary artery disease is ultimately dependent upon the patient’s cooperation in modifying risk factors. Too often health care recommendations go unheeded. The purpose of this study was to develop a model that would explain relationship among several variables that determined adherence to an exercise regimen. The variables were chosen from the health belief model and self efficiency theory. Study findings revealed a significant positive correlation between activity and perceived benefits and between activity and perceived self efficiency. There was si gnificant negative relationship between activities and perceived barriers. Hypotheses: The mean post test knowledge scores of self care of myocardial infarction patients will be significantly higher than their mean pretest scores at 0.05 level. The mean post test of self care activities scores of self care of myocardial infarction patients will be significantly higher than their mean pretest scores at 0.05 level. Operational definition Effectiveness: It refers to the power of the bringing a change in the knowledge and activities of myocardial infarction patients regarding self care activities after the administration of health guide line and demonstration of exercise from the knowledge and performance scores. Knowledge: It refers to the myocardial patients for correct responses regarding self care activities on the structured knowledge test item and evidence from knowledge score. Activities: It refers to the myocardial infarction patient’s ability to perform activities regarding pulse monitoring muscle stretching exercise, stress reduction technique and tool as evidence from structured observational checklist and performance rating scale. Self care: Those health generating activities that are undertaken by the person themselves. Delimitation: Investigator includes only medical college attached government hospitals. Investigation take only hemodynamic stable myocardial infarction patient. Methodology: The present study is a quai experimental study. The methodology presents the population of the study, sample of the study, tools and technique used in this study, data collection, and plan for analysis. POPULATION: the population of this study consists of MI patient admitted in medical college attached Government hospitals in Gujarat state. SAMPLE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: patient who has a Myocardial infarction and hemodynamic stable admitted in medical ward. Researcher take the 35 sample that were use the purposive sampling method. TOOL USED: the investigator has prepared tool for to check knowledge as well as activities of MI patients regarding self care. For to check the knowledge she prepared structured questionnaire and for observe the practices she prepared observational checklist and performance rating scale. PROCEDURE FOR DATA ANALYSIS : for testing the hypothesis of the study the investigator analyze the data using frequency, percentage, standard deviation, ‘t’ test and correlation. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION: The data were tabulated, analyzed in terms of objectives of the study. Descriptive statically methods were employed for the analysis of tool. in that knowledge area mainly six area those are the related to self care, medicine, exercise, pulse monitoring, diet, stress reduction technique. Through the analysis and interpretation of data, researcher has described following major findings of the study. Findings related to knowledge and activities area:There was maximum gain of knowledge in exercise area. In the exercise area mean percentage of pretest was 11.4% and mean percentage of post test was 78.97%. It indicates that the 67.55% gain in area. According to the table it is the highest gain. Findings of sample related to knowledge of diet :There was minimum gain in the area ‘diet’. In this area mean percentage of pre test was 61.42%whereas mean percentage of post test was 99.28% which suggests that 37.86% gain in the area. Findings of sample related to activates of the self care, stress reducing exercise and pulse monitoring: There are 62.94% and 62.87% gain in area ‘ medications’ and ‘ pulse monitoring respectively. They are 2nd and 3rd in gain after the exercise. There was approximately equal gain in self care and stress reduction technique and providing information areas. It was 45.71% and 45.75% respectively. Finding of sample related to muscle starching exercise: There was maximum mean percentage of post test in muscle starching exercise All over the knowledge score of MI patients before exposing the health guideline and demonstration, mean score of the sample was 3.14 after exposing the health guideline and demonstration, mean score of the sample was 8.11 the difference in knowledge and act score suggesting the knowledge gain by sample. Interpretation through comparing the mean percentage of pre and post performance test in each task. The data suggest that there was maximum gain in pulse monitoring it was 68.93%gain. There was 57.66 % gain in stress reduction technique and 59.61% gain in muscle starching exercise. It indicate the mean 8.6 score obtained by sample before demonstrate the activities and 34.2 score obtained after demonstrating the activities. to the myocardial infarction patients. Conclusion: Knowledge deficit existed in all area of self care among samples admitted in medical ward in medical college attached government hospital in Gujarat state. The study in terms of health guideline and demonstration was found to be effective in enhancing the knowledge and skill of the samples regarding self care activities. IMPLICATIONS AND UTILIZATIONS The findings of the study have several implications in the nursing practice, nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research. Nursing practice: the study is relevant for nursing professional working in the area of cardiac center in the Indian setting. Nursing personal should plan teaching programmes and provide adequate information and guidance to such client who have myocardial infarction disease and they enhance their self care ability. Nursing education: skill development is an essential component of professional life. The responsibility of instructor is in meeting learner’s need in acquiring relevant knowledge to underpin the development skills. Attempts should be made to ensure that the learner is taught in such a way that it allows them to construct learning in a simulated context and then apply it into real situation. The focus should be on the learner under standing the process of acquisition rather than performance. They should develop health guideline, self instructional module , audio- visual materials, booklet, pamphlet i.e. video, tap, slides etc. on cardiac self care for utilize them for teaching learning activities. Nursing administration: the expressed learning need of client can be considered as indicator for planning structured health programmes. nursing administration should promote and support preparation of such instructional material by nursing personnel and they should be educationally prepared at different levels to undertake such endeavors in order to assist clients, and the community in developing their self care potentials. Nursing research: self care is a fundamental therapy for cardiac patients. Many questions remain to be answered about it. Research is needed to identify the optima ways to teach self care activities to cardiac patients. Nurses are available at all the time ti the patients in hospital. Research should be directed to exploring the nurses knowledge regarding self care of myocardial infarction patients or other cardiac diseases. There should be research studies conducted in different setting and on large sample. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following recommendations are made on the basis of the findings of the present study. A study can be replicated on a large sample, their findings can be generalized for a large population. Similar study can be conducted on nursing student. A study can be conducted develop and evaluate a self guideline n the form of pictorial booklet/ pamphlet for the illiterate group. A comparative study can be conducted for the two groups. One group gives the treatment and other group is control group. A study can be conducted to identify life style of the cardiac patients. Reference Website: www.Cardiac home www.Self care of myocardial for cardiac www.excercise for cardiac www.guideline for cardiac Journals: Bennet sj, Savue MJ â€Å" cognitive deficits among patients with heart failure†. A review of literature J. cardiovascular nurse2003. Cardiac nurse preparedness to use self help groups as a support strategy. Journal of America nursing 1995, vol 22 p 921- 928 Heart facts dallas TX; American heart association;2005 Books: Alexander R.W. and schant, Textbook of heart.8th edition, health professional division, new York: 1998 Black J.M. Medical Surgical Nursing. 5th edition W.B. Saunders company, Philadelphia: 1999 Dossey B.G. Guzzetta C.E. â€Å" Critical care nursing Body- mind- Spirit ,3rd edition, J.B. Lippincott: Philadelphia ; 1996

Friday, October 25, 2019

Overpopulation and the Environment :: essays research papers

OVERPOPULATION & THE ENVIRONMENT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that the number of humans that live on this planet is the problem. We should develop new processes for stabilizing the current population. Overpopulation is becoming one of the most preeminent problems facing human civilization. This complicated, pervasive issue is a problem of the utmost importance for people of all races, religions, and nationalities. With our endless need of new information, we should be able to develop unique process to end these problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our planet now provides for approximately 5.8 billion people, with projections of around 10 billion by the year 2050. Two billion of these are extremely poor, the poorest of which live in absolute poverty and misery. The affects of overpopulation on human society are numerous. Suffering from a lack of resources, people are often driven to war when they become too populated for their available resources.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Increasing amounts of food, energy, water, and shelter are required to fulfill the needs of today’s society. The amount of land required for food production will grow increasingly larger, while the amount of available land will grow increasingly smaller. The resources required to maintain this rapid development is putting a strain on our current supplies of energy. Much of our energy is derived from the burning of fossil fuels releasing millions of tons of toxins into the atmosphere. All of the toxins released into the atmosphere cause harm to the environment as well as those who live around these locations. Currently there are groups with the sole purpose of saving the environment.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Challenges and Prospects of Gender Budgeting in India Essay

Gender budgeting promises to focus on the role of rights, freedoms and the choices of women by giving information of content and focus of government policies. Today gender sensitive budgetary allocation might only constitute 5% of the total budget, yet the stand as a significant attempt at addressing gender inequality. However, gender budgeting exercise needs to be on guard against certain challenges facing it. Firstly, International Financial Institutions that stipulated to initiate economic reform policies in India like IMF, WTO can offset gender budget benefits. Lowering of import duties under WTO has resulted in a reduction of government’s revenue which in turn translated into lowering expenditure on social sector especially on women. Secondly, the introduction of VAT has the impact of affecting the people’s spending rather than their income and thus tends to hit the poor more. Since feminization of poverty is an established fact VAT can be more harmful to the interest of the women. Thirdly, the focus on reducing the fiscal deficit should not imply a cut on the gender equality and women empowerment schemes. Public-private partnership in enhancing expenditure on social sector needs to be encouraged. Lastly, the scope of Gender Budgeting needs to be enlarged so as to cover what hitherto have been gender neutral departments or ministries. Enhanced allocation for women specific programmes needs to be supplemented by an overall evaluation of budgetary policies from gender perspective.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Global Warming Affects Polar Bears Essay Example

Global Warming Affects Polar Bears Essay Example Global Warming Affects Polar Bears Paper Global Warming Affects Polar Bears Paper For example, China has more than 200 million automobiles and as a speed of growth is about 13 million per year, meanwhile the United States has about 255 millions automobiles and the growth speed is more than 10 million per year. So, we can see how large pressure forced on the earth. It is clear that the globalization causes the climate change. Global Warming continues presenting on the earth and bringing many catastrophes to the earth. The polar bears most scientists think they are the first species in the world influenced by the climate change. Since the earth becoming warmer and warmer, the sea ice shrunk violently. As a result, the polar bear was threatened by those changes. More important hint is that if the situation still exists, polar bears will extinct in the future. This paper is focusing on the effect of the Global Warming on the polar bears ha bait, behaviors and population. Effect on Habitat The first effect of the Global Warming on the polar bears is their habitat. Habitat is the place providing animals with food, sleeping area and every essential material to live. In the Arctic, the polar bears habitat becomes worse recently due to the shortage of sea ice and food. : The first change in habitat is increasing the temperature of the Arctic. With the Global Warming, polar Bears 3 enrapture increasing, the sea ice over here melts quickly. Finally, this should transfer to the polar bears and lead they die out. David barber, an instructor of the University of Manitoba working for Earth Observation Science, indicated that a medial temperature of the Arctic rose 3. 5 degrees from 1970 to 2000, meanwhile the whole world only rose 0. 7 degrees (Campbell, 2008). The temperature of Arctic increased more extremely compare with the other parts. This means under the global warming, we may not know that the earth becomes hotter and hotter and realize it is a serious problem because we cannot feel it. However, the deep change is going on in the Arctic. The first victim is the polar bear. Furthermore, if the sea ice disappears, the temperature of the Arctic will go up extremely. Louis Fortier, a scientist of a study group of Canada named Arctic, said that the Arctic sea ice cover has existed for about 3. 7 million years and it works as a huge mirror to reflex the sun lights back into space. The vanishing of the ice cover might lead to a higher speed of global warming tendency (Campbell, 2008). This means that the two factors of polar bears habitat which are the temperature and the sea ice affect each other. The temperature directly determines the total amount of the sea ice. On the other hand, when the sea ice is shrinking, more and more lights cannot be reflected to the space. As a result, the temperature rises again. The second change in habitat is the sea ice which covers the Arctic Ocean. Because of global warming, the sea ice has diminished. A huge change happened on 2007. Near 1. Million square km of Arctic ice disappeared in that year beyond far away from formal yearly medial of 70 thousands (Campbell, 2008). This huge change led more people worry about global warming and thus the polar bears lost their habitat. At this point, we will consider Global Warming, Polar Bears 4 about if the Arctic sea ice is gone in the future. Sea ice cover Of the Arctic decreased at the average of 1 1. 5 percent every ten years during the summer melt season from 1979 to 2010. Lots of scholars hold the opinion that the Arctic sea ice cover will completely melted around 2050 (Swift, 201 1). Through this research, we can imagine that the sea ice decreased quickly in recent couple decades and the serious coming effect. The last change in habitats is the food. Under the climate change, polar bears food sound cannot survive in the melting sea ice. Polar beads main food is seal, but global warming disturbs this food chain, so polar bear is hard to find their food. Due to the increasing melting on ice, there is less place leaving to all the polar bears as well as his primary food seals. Both must live on the sea ice. Because food is limited, polar bear need find other choice (Cole, 2009). The longer summer melt season will destroy the entire Arctic food chain, especially causing the most serious effect to Polar bears (McGrath, 2011 The melt season will influence polar bears to search food. The longer melting season the more risk will happen on the polar bears. With the sea ice shrinking, the seal and polar bear both declined. Without enough food supply, polar bears are hard to survive from the cold place. For those reasons, the sea ice becomes to smaller and smaller, and the temperature over the Arctic is increasing to higher and higher and the food web is disturbed, there is few places leaving for the beautiful polar bears. Due to the Global Warming, the temperature of the Arctic is increasing critically and then this intensifies the melting of sea ice. As a result, there are no place to live and no food for polar bears. Global Warming, Polar Bears 5 Effect on Behavior The other effect of the Global Warming on polar bears is change in their behaviors. Behavior means that some kinds of things the polar bears do every day or some certain time, such as swimming, eating, mating. First, the change happened on food searching of polar bears. Generally, the prime food for polar bears is seal. But under the climate change, it is difficult to find seals around the Arctic. To survive, polar bears need to find foods no matter how hard to get it. This is the first way the polar bears change their searching food methods. Scientists indicate the result of global warming in the Arctic. Since the food chain has been disturbed, many polar bears which cannot find food in their habitat run out of the Arctic to the human societies, such as Norris, Alaska and Churchill, Manitoba. Those polar bears walk around the trash dropped by human to find something to eat (Cole, 2009). Trash is very unclean and harmful foods for the polar bear, but in order to live they must eat. Trash contains a lot of germs and viruses everyone should know that. Therefore, if the polar bears eat it often, it is clear that their health will get bad. This is the second way of finding food. Under the difficult times when the polar bears hard to find seals, they try to find optional foods. Even if they will die, they may swim for long distance that they never have done before (Cole, 2009). This way is very dangerous because the polar bear dont realize how long the way should be, many of them died. Even through polar bears swim very well, far swimming in the ocean will cause exhausted even deadly to them. For instance, A young polar bear that tracked by the scientists had swum a shocking Global Warming, Polar Bears 6 distance with 427 miles to get the ice nearby the northern Alaska beach in 008, but the cub died finally (Mcgrath, 2011 Without food supply, the pathetic polar bears have no choice. They must face the long moving trip even involve death. This is the third way of finding food. Behavior scientists think that young polar bears will be eaten by the hungry males which even eat their mothers will appear often due to the food chain disturbed (McGrath, 201 1). Everyone can imagine how cruel it is. Scientists hold the opinion that the food shortage results polar bears eat each other. In the history, polar bears might eat each other, but not happening often like these current years polarbearsinternational. Org). This result is caused by the climate change. Due to the climate change, polar bears are struggling in the food shortage. Sometimes, if they could not find a food in a long time, they might eat their cubs. The second change in polar bears is mating. Mating is the processes of having cubs and feeding them to grow up. During the global warming, polar bears cant get their main foods to supply their bodies, so no enough blubber storing their bodies, the females might give up the processes of pregnancy and feeding their children (Owen, 2010). With the lack of ice season become longer and longer, polar bears cannot get sufficient blubbers in their bodies. O it will make pregnancy and feeding cubs more difficult for polar bears (Cole, 2009). The both authors mention the challenges caused by the foods shortage. So the point is here, to get enough foods is an essential thing of mating. For example, An Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources research scientist, Martyr Aboard works with polar bears in the southern Hudson Bay region. His study indicates that polar bears body weight has fallen to 80 percent of Global Warming, Polar Bears 7 original weight and the weaker males cant have energy babies through the cue rent 20 years (Campbell, 2008). Those aspects show the effect of global warming affect the polar bears behaviors. With the climate change, the polar bear must change their behaviors to adapt the new environment. However the most changes that the polar bears have done are dangerous and harmful to themselves. As a result of the behavior changes on the polar bears population is decreasing. Population is the total number of polar bears. Currently, the population of the polar bears is estimated from twenty thousands to twenty- eve thousands bears by biologists. Most of those live in Canada ((http:// www. polarbearsinternational. Org). With the decline of the sea ice, polar bears population also drops down at the same time. Most scientists accepted a possible trend in polar bear population, which Was decreasing between twenty percents to twenty eight percents in 2007 within the 25 years ago (Helm, 2008). This is a research done by scientists. Canadas Hudson Bay called the polar bear capital of the world only had three quarters of the polar bears population compared with 25 years ahead (Cole, 2009). Through the cording and scientists studies, we can know that the declining of polar bear population already became a serious issue. Moreover, the U. S. Geological Survey reported that if greenhouse gas emissions continue strongly presenting only one-thirds or less of the polar bears through the world could be alive, in 2007 (White, 2011 The climate change not only affects polar bears behaviors but also influences their mating activities. As a result, the population of polar bears goes down. Because the Global Warming changes their habitat deeply, the polar bears must change their former search food ethos at first Second, their habitat changing also Global Warming, Polar Bears 8 influences polar bears mating abilities. So far, the population of polar bears has dropped down. As has been shown in the previous discussion, Global Warming affects polar bears habitat, behaviors and population. Since the temperature of the world increases dramatically, the sea ice over the Arctic region decreases quickly. As a result, the polar bears loss their habitat and food. For finding food, polar bears swim very far distance beyond their abilities, so lots of they may drown in the sea. To response the climate change, polar bears changed their rotational methods of searching food and their mating abilities. Polar bears may swim a very far distance to find food or even eat their cubs. At the food shortage times, they cannot feed their cubs very well. As a result, a lot of cubs died in this process. As the climate change, the total number of polar bears decreased fast. If this trend does not change in the following years, polar bears will extinct. However, if we change our living ways in order to controlling the emission from industries, power plants and automobiles and so on, there is still opportunity for us to protect polar bears even to protect ourselves.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Predynastic Egypt Timeline and Definition

Predynastic Egypt Timeline and Definition The Predynastic period in Egypt is the name archaeologists have given to the three thousand years before the emergence of the first unified Egyptian state society. Scholars mark the beginning of the predynastic period somewhere between 6500 and 5000 BC when farmers first moved into the Nile valley from Western Asia, and the ending at approximately 3050 BC, when the dynastic rule of Egypt began. Already present in northeastern Africa were cattle pastoralists; the emigrant farmers brought sheep, goats, pigs, wheat and barley. Together they domesticated the donkey and developed simple farming communities. Chronology of the Predynastic Early Predynastic (Badarian) (ca 5000-3900 BC)Middle Predynastic (Nagada I or Amratian) (ca 3900-3650 BC)Late Predynastic (Nagada II or Gerzean) (ca 3650-3300 BC)Terminal Predynastic (Nagada III or Proto-Dynastic) (ca 3300-3050 BC) Scholars typically divide the predynastic period, as with most of Egyptian history, into upper (southern) and lower (northern) Egypt. Lower Egypt (Maadi culture) appears to have developed farming communities first, with the spread of farming from the Lower Egypt (north) to the Upper Egypt (south). Thus, the Badarian communities predate the Nagada in Upper Egypt. Current evidence as to the origin of the rise of the Egyptian state is under debate, but some evidence points to Upper Egypt, specifically Nagada, as the focus of the original complexity. Some of the evidence for the complexity of the Maadi may be hidden beneath the Nile deltas alluvium. The Rise of the Egyptian State That development of complexity within the predynastic period led to the emergence of the Egyptian state is inarguable. But, the impetus for that development has been the focus of much debate among scholars. There appears to have been active trade relationships with Mesopotamia, Syro-Palestine (Canaan), and Nubia, and evidence in the form of shared architectural forms, artistic motifs, and imported pottery attests to these connections. Whatever specifics were in play, Stephen Savage summarizes it as a gradual, indigenous process, stimulated by intraregional and interregional conflict, shifting political and economic strategies, political alliances and competition over trade routes. (2001:134). The end of the predynastic (ca 3050 BC) is marked by the first unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, called Dynasty 1. Although the precise way in which a centralized state emerged in Egypt is still under debate; some historical evidence is recorded in glowing political terms on the Narmer Palette. Archaeology and the Predynastic Investigations into the Predynastic had their start in the 19th century by William Flinders-Petrie. The most recent studies have revealed the extensive regional diversity, not just between Upper and Lower Egypt, but within Upper Egypt. Three principal regions are identified in Upper Egypt, centered on Hierakonpolis, Nagada (also spelled Naqada) and Abydos. Predynastic Sites    Adaà ¯ma   Hierakonpolis   Abydos  Gebel Manzal el-Seyl Herbal Wines of Ancient Egypt illustrates trade connections between predynastic Egypt and the Levant region of the near east. Sources On Michael Brasss The Antiquity of Man site, youll find the complete text of Kathryn Bards 1994 paper in the JFA cited below. Bard, Kathryn A. 1994 The Egyptian Predynastic: A Review of the Evidence. Journal of Field Archaeology 21(3):265-288. Hassan, Fekri 1988 The Predynastic of Egypt. Journal of World Prehistory  2(2):135-185. Savage, Stephen H. 2001 Some Recent Trends in the Archaeology of Predynastic Egypt. Journal of Archaeological Research 9(2):101-155. Tutundzic, Sava P. 1993 A Consideration of Differences between the Pottery Showing Palestinian Characteristics in the Maadian and Gerzean Cultures. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 79:33-55. Wenke, Robert J. 1989 Egypt: Origins of Complex Societies. Annual Review of Anthropology 18:129-155.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Antilegalization Of Marijuana Essays - Drug Control Law, Free Essays

Antilegalization Of Marijuana Essays - Drug Control Law, Free Essays Antilegalization Of Marijuana Dear Congressman, I am honored to be writing to you on such a significant topic of national concern. Average citizens are annoyed and just plain fatigued with the drugs and crime problems in America. These upright citizens, that contribute to the growth of American society, are being told that legalization is a reasonable alternative to dealing with these problems in their communities. Legalization of any drug is not a positive way to fight crime. In fact, there is no legitimate reason to legalize drugs. The Legalization of marijuana is the starting point of the pro-legalization of drugs movement. The issue of legalizing marijuana is truly a controversial one, and certainly one that requires a plethora of considerations at the top levels of the legislative branch. When considering the possibility of legalizing marijuana as a recreational drug, there are a number of concerns that come to mind. Is marijuana physically harmful to the user? Is marijuana an addictive drug? Does the use of marijuana lead to dependency situations? Does it act as gateway to more hazardous drugs? Does the notion of legalizing marijuana send an immoral, wrong message to the youth of America? Mr. Congressman, the answer to all these questions is YES. According to the DEA (1998), the supreme ruler of drug knowledge in America, there are over 10,000 scientific studies that prove marijuana is a harmful and addictive drug. Yet there is no reliable study that proves marijuana has any medical value. Marijuana is an unstable mixture of over 425 chemicals, which when smoked are converted to over thousands. Most of these are toxic, psychoactive chemicals which are unstudied and appear in uncontrolled strengths. Marijuana leads to many different consequences depending on the personality and general characteristics of the individual using the drug. These may include, but are not limited to: premature cancer, addiction, coordination and perception impairment, mental disorders, hostility and increased aggressiveness, general unconcern of life, memory loss, reproductive disabilities, and impairment to the immune system. Marijuana is currently up to 25 times more potent than it was in the 1960's, which makes the drug even more addictive. In 1994, a U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that marijuana should remain a Schedule I drug: highly addictive with no medical usefulness. Marijuana is a harmful substance. The use of marijuana for the purposes of intoxication leads to a number of serious health risks. Research has proven that marijuana damages short term memory, distorts perceptions, impairs complex motor skills, alters the heart rate, can lead to severe anxiety, and can cause paranoia and lethargy. A condition called Amotivational syndrome take places after chronic use. It is defined by Dr. Harry Avis (1996), professor of psychology as, a condition characterized by a lack of ambition or desire to succeed, presumed to be the result of smoking marijuana. As reported in The Medical Journal of Australia, Marijuana causes birth defects, fetal damage, lung cancer, long-term impairment of memory, schizophrenia, suppression of the immune system, and even leukemia in the children of marijuana-smoking mothers (Nahas & Latour, 1992). The National Institute on Drug Abuse (1996) reported that the chemicals found in marijuana smoke suppresses the neurons in the information-processing system of the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain that is crucial for learning, memory, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivation. Marijuana, should it be legalized, would ruin many Americans' abilities to learn, and would abruptly decay the development and progress of the American Society. Marijuana is dangerous, and it is more dangerous than it ever has been. The federal Drug Abuse Warning Network, or DAWN, claims that recent statistics show increases in the number of patients mentioning marijuana in hospital emergency rooms (The Marijuana Debate Goes On, 1998). Inexperienced users may suffer acute anxiety the first time they use it. This could be a direct result of the increase in potency of marijuana. Growers have access to the latest agricultural technologies and scientific methods which enable them to grow more powerful marijuana. Growers have become extremely sophisticated about developing varieties of marijuana with high concentrations of THC (Is Marijuana Dangerous? Is It Addictive?, 1995). THC, or Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the 400 chemicals in marijuana. It accounts for most of marijuana's psychoactive, or mind-altering, effects (Facts About Marijuana and Marijuana Abuse, 1996). The levels of THC found in the modern drug markets' marijuana are much higher than they have ever been. The concentration of THC will keep increasing in the future. This directly leads to more and stronger addictions to marijuana. One argument that the pro-legalization movement pleads is that

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tolerance Issues in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tolerance Issues in Australia - Essay Example The implication here is that irrespective of racial or ethnic affiliation, all Australians are equal members of society and are accepted as such. According to Adams (1997), this supposition is little more than a myth or an exercise in politically correct, wistful, thinking. Not only has the dominant, Anglo-Saxon, group only recently embraced the principle of tolerance but have displayed a persistent proclivity for continued backtracking. To fully comprehend Adams' argument on the status of tolerance in Australian society, an explanation of his conceptualisation of the term is important. Tolerance is the acceptance of the other,' accompanied by recognition of the inherent value and equality of social/ethnic/racial groups. Tolerance is characterised by the embrace of moderation and the absence of ethnic/racial arrogance (Adams, 1997). It most certainly has its limitations and these limitations are reached when one's rights are transgressed upon or one's space is violated (Adams, 1997). The violation of one's place/space/rights generates fear which is, in turn, outwardly expressed through intolerance towards the others. In other words, there exists a fine line between tolerance and intolerance according to Adams' definition. Operating from within... Indeed, the land was violently wrested away from its native inhabitants and redefined in the White Man's image. As Adams' argues, "Australia was devised as a white man's country, defiantly and arrogantly white" (Adams, 1997: 13). Within the framework of the project for the re-creation of Australia, not only did tolerance have no place but intolerance, legitimised through conviction in the white race's superiority, was the main instrument. Historically, therefore, Australia was founded upon intolerance. It was only following the recreation of Australia as an Anglo-Saxon country and the solidification of the white man's status as the dominant socio-political group that Australians began to embrace the concept of tolerance. As may be inferred from Adams' discussion, Australia's embrace of the principle of tolerance was motivated by the growing popularity of liberalism, on the one hand, and enabled by racial confidence, on the other. Quite simply stated, the White Man believed that he had created a white Australia, forged a nation in his own likeness and hence, could afford to be tolerant towards minorities (Adams, 1997). As minority populations increased and Australia evolved into a more obviously multicultural society, the dominant group's tolerance was tested. According to Adams (1997: 13), "the voice of bigot has never been silenced in Australia." It was aroused upon the sensation of threat emanating from immigrant groups and the supposition that their growing number could instigate change in Australia's Anglo-Saxon identity. It was capitalised upon and exploited by Hanson and other right wingers who, not only divided the nation but, exposed the very narrow limits of tolerance in Australian society (Adams, 1997). Australia has for

Friday, October 18, 2019

To what extent, if at all, might hegel be described as a communitarian Essay

To what extent, if at all, might hegel be described as a communitarian - Essay Example Undoubtedly, he is one of the greatest photospheres the world has ever seen and he has been credited with many achievements of which the most prominent one is the addition of a historical perspective to philosophy. He also was the first philosopher to understand the importance of ‘the other’ in relation to fully understanding the self. However, it is his writings on civil society, individualism and government which have to be discussed in order to understand if he was a communitarian and if he was, to what extent he agreed with the idea of being a communitarian. Of course to understand Hegel as a communitarian we must first discuss what being a communitarian is about and what communitarianism entails. Fundamentally, communitarianism is a set of connected philosophical ideas which started to take form as a system in the modernist era as an opposing force to the ideals of radical individualism (Chong, 2006). It advocates the idea of having a civil society which works as a unit where the community takes precedence over the individual (Wikipedia, 2006). Communitarianism is not directly opposed to the concepts of social liberalism or social democracy since the focus of the philosophy remains on the priority in decision making which is given to the community rather than the individual (Franco, 1997). However, as described by Franco (1997) it remains very difficult to place Hegel as a communitarian if we only use labels and not understand what Hegel was trying to get across to us. Franco further suggests that: â€Å"Hegel provides us with a ‘middle ground’ between deontological liberalism and contemporary communitarianism. Like the modern communitarians, he is critical of the individualistic and historical conceptions of rights underlying the liberal polity, but like many liberals in both his day and ours, he is skeptical of any attempt to return to some form of democratic participatory gemeinschaft based upon immediate face-to-face relations (Franco, 1997,

The Context of Legislative Decision Making Essay - 1

The Context of Legislative Decision Making - Essay Example In a democratic set up, unless the majority members do not accept the passing, it would not be able to be carried and therefore, the motion would be negated. Therefore, it is the elected representative of the people, who, as members of the Parliament, are having the discretionary powers to accept or deny the motion. They are effective because only the legislation which have the unanimity of approval would be passed. However, although the approvals are required, it is often possible for interest groups to lobby for vested interests, and they may use their power of influence to gain benefits. The main difficulties that may be faced in studying party politics in the state legislatures is due to frequent switching done by the legislators, which makes it difficult to gauge the political situations. When legislators switch parties due to misunderstandings or misconduct, it may have impact on the proceedings of the legislature and this is one of the main difficulties in studying the state legislations. The interest groups or professional lobbyists act to influence the legislative process when they need to secure passing of Bill by influencing public officials through information dissemination and also to influence or mould the minds of the public officials for reaching decisions though debating. The strategic effect of the effectiveness of lobbying is when the professional lobbyist is able to secure the passing of the legislative bill through successful lobbying. Lobbying in Brussels was developed in the late 1970’s the event that ignited the lobby aspects was the direct election in the European Parliament in 1979. The business circles felt that they needed persons who could supply them with information about political activities. The passing of the Single European Act 1986 created avenues by which decision in councils could be enhanced through the use of lobbying through the councils, the commissions and

Development of U.S Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of U.S - Term Paper Example Hamilton suggested that, as the government did not have the money available to buy the stock, it could be loaned to the government by the bank itself. However, Jefferson rejected the idea on the basis that it would be unconstitutional, since the government did not have the right to form corporations. This issues represented the idea of loose against strict construction of the constitution. Jefferson’s argument was based around the argument that any action not enshrined in the constitution as therefore automatically unconstitutional. Hamilton, on the other hand, took a more fluid view of the constitution, arguing that the government holds the power to take any action which is not specifically banned by the constitution. This view takes into account changes in society since the writing of the constitution. In order to set up a regular source of income for the government, Hamilton also set up the Tariff. This not only had the effect of increasing government revenue but also of protecting manufacturing in the U.S. It was therefore significant as a protectionist policy. This was to create a rift within the Federalists. Meanwhile, the issue of national debt, first exemplified in the establishment of the National Bank, was creating more tension between Hamilton and Jefferson. Jefferson strongly believed that public debt and government borrowing was a curse because it would place a serious financial strain on future tax payers. Indeed, he wished to see the constitution amended to remove the ability of the government to borrow. Hamilton, on the other hand, believed that public debt could be a useful tool. He aimed to use the money generated through the tariff to offset the extremely high debt inherited from the old government by reissuing bonds. He also wanted state debt to be assumed by the government, in order to further benefit from tariff revenue which was federal. The tariff, however, was

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth of less Essay

The impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth of less developed countries - Essay Example However, in open economy investment is funded both through household savings and foreign capital flows, incorporating FDI. FDI facilitates investment-receiving (host) nations to attain investment levels ahead of their capability to save (Atique, Ahmad and Azhar, 2004, p. 1). The study aims to discuss about the underlying effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth of the less developed or the developing nations. The study seeks to analyze whether the inflow of foreign direct investment is really leading to economic growth and capital formation within the less developed countries. The topic â€Å"The impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth of less developed countries† seems to be interesting and relevant. Through this topic, the study seeks to find whether these inflows of foreign capital can be sustained within the less developed economies. Whether the transnational players in the international economy could contribute to the modernization of the economies of developing countries is also the point of concern in this study. Development Economics is a topic that studies the economics of the developing nations. It has made exceptional use of economic hypothesis, econometric methods, sociology, anthropology, political science, ecology and demography and has mushroomed into one of the liveliest parts of study in all the social sciences. It is reasonable to say that the model of economic growth initiated by Robert Solow in 1956 has had an elementary impact on development economics. An addition to the capital stock will have a larger effect on per-capita income. It implies that by means of controlling parameters (for example, savings rates and population growth rates), poorer nations will tend to develop faster and hence will come up to reach the levels of comfort enjoyed by their affluent counterparts (Ray, 2007, pp.

Personal statment Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Statment - Personal Statement Example I would still love to continue my learning phase and for this reason, I have planned to do my PhD as well. Studying MBA will help me in learning about business knowledge and it will assist me in my long term goal which is to start my own business in real estate sector. My aim is to start my own business in my own country and help my country to prosper. By starting my own business, I will be able to help my country grow and create employment. Even if I have to work for few years to gain knowledge and gain professional experience of real estate industry, then I am open for such challenges as well and ready to get any job to gain experience. I have already worked as a Librarian in University of Business and Technology, Jeddah. This working experience was also helpful and I have learnt a lot from my job experience. In future, I am open for new challenges and ready to explore myself. However, for this I want to start my MBA

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Development of U.S Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of U.S - Term Paper Example Hamilton suggested that, as the government did not have the money available to buy the stock, it could be loaned to the government by the bank itself. However, Jefferson rejected the idea on the basis that it would be unconstitutional, since the government did not have the right to form corporations. This issues represented the idea of loose against strict construction of the constitution. Jefferson’s argument was based around the argument that any action not enshrined in the constitution as therefore automatically unconstitutional. Hamilton, on the other hand, took a more fluid view of the constitution, arguing that the government holds the power to take any action which is not specifically banned by the constitution. This view takes into account changes in society since the writing of the constitution. In order to set up a regular source of income for the government, Hamilton also set up the Tariff. This not only had the effect of increasing government revenue but also of protecting manufacturing in the U.S. It was therefore significant as a protectionist policy. This was to create a rift within the Federalists. Meanwhile, the issue of national debt, first exemplified in the establishment of the National Bank, was creating more tension between Hamilton and Jefferson. Jefferson strongly believed that public debt and government borrowing was a curse because it would place a serious financial strain on future tax payers. Indeed, he wished to see the constitution amended to remove the ability of the government to borrow. Hamilton, on the other hand, believed that public debt could be a useful tool. He aimed to use the money generated through the tariff to offset the extremely high debt inherited from the old government by reissuing bonds. He also wanted state debt to be assumed by the government, in order to further benefit from tariff revenue which was federal. The tariff, however, was

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal statment Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Statment - Personal Statement Example I would still love to continue my learning phase and for this reason, I have planned to do my PhD as well. Studying MBA will help me in learning about business knowledge and it will assist me in my long term goal which is to start my own business in real estate sector. My aim is to start my own business in my own country and help my country to prosper. By starting my own business, I will be able to help my country grow and create employment. Even if I have to work for few years to gain knowledge and gain professional experience of real estate industry, then I am open for such challenges as well and ready to get any job to gain experience. I have already worked as a Librarian in University of Business and Technology, Jeddah. This working experience was also helpful and I have learnt a lot from my job experience. In future, I am open for new challenges and ready to explore myself. However, for this I want to start my MBA

Chinese Revolution Essay Example for Free

Chinese Revolution Essay The Chinese Civil War was one of the most turbulent, chaotic, and effective series of events during the Cold War Era. It is difficult to conceive of any fashion in which the under-equipped CPC forces would be able to match and eventually overcome a powerful political regime with support vast support from the United States. However, even with limited aid from their Soviet allies, Mao was able to pull the marginalized, the poor, and the oppressed together to strengthen the communist cause. Although many of the issues from which the war stemmed were presented well before any real violence took place between Chinese Nationalists and Mao’s Communist Party the strategies employed by the communists and the emotional vigor with which they clung to their hopes of progress remain the center points Mao’s eventual victory. When carefully assessed; it is evident the CCP victory in the Chinese Civil War was due to the ability of Mao to mobilize the peasantry and institute land reform, the mismanagement of the Guomindang by Chiang Kai-Shek during the Japanese invasion of China and the Chinese Civil War, and the proclivity to violence (inspired by intense hatred of the enemy) that was deemed necessary in order to bring power to the CCP. It is arguable that the KMD should have been at its strongest during the decade preceding the Chinese Civil War. Chiang Kai-Shek had been quite successful in his campaign against the independent warlords and had recaptured many key areas of Chinese territory. However, June Grasso argues that Chiang made a key mistake in his treatment of his defeated opponents. She details this folly, writing â€Å"†¦Chiang absorbed, rather than eliminated, many warlords and their armies, in effect swallowing but not digesting them,† (Grasso, 90). Chiang’s army was growing at a rapid pace and the KMD was claiming large territorial victories. To an outsider, the party may have seemed at its strongest. However, the KMD â€Å"†¦remained faction-ridden into the 1930’s,† (Grasso, 91) and party unity began a major concern. Grasso continues to explain that the eventual oppression of the communist base in China would be a monumental mistake from which the party would never fully recover. At first glance, the expulsion of radical communists to the fringes of China seemed almost necessary in order to secure political control for the KMD. In reality the communist purge concentrated most of the Nationalist power in major urban areas and disallowed the spread of KMD support. Eventually Mao would make the most of his wide-spread supporters which allowed for a larger base of communism in the country. Considering his small numbers and the rural beginnings of his revolution, Mao worked incredibly well with what he had. Mao evidently knew that he had little choice in the matter of battle strategy. As Maurice Meisner reports in Mao’s China and After, â€Å"†¦the Maoist forces learned to employ the tactics of guerilla warfare upon which their survival was dependent.† (Meisner, 31) Mao also presented the peasantry of Jiangxi with a reform to the oppressive feudal system which granted redistribution of land to tenants. Through the implementation of revolutionary agrarian policies, Mao was able to secure the beginnings of a unified opposition to the Nanjing regime. Policies that were deemed too radical by the middle peasantry were thought to be â€Å"†¦politically and economically counterproductive in a situation that demanded a broad base of popular support in a rural society†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Meisner, 32) Although Mao seemed to have many of the necessary ingredients to effect change among his countrymen, the Guomindang armies were too strong to be defeated this early in the development communist response to Chinese nationalism. Mao would lead the First Front Army, out of necessity, from their now obsolete home of Jiangxi to mountainous Northwest regions of China. The Long March devastated the numbers of Chinese Communism and left the party disbanded and broken. Amazingly, the march also birthed profound changes in party leadership and revolutionary spirit. First and foremost the disbandment of other party leaders in the early 1930’s and during the 6,000 mile march allowed Mao to pursue his own ideas for communist overhaul, particula rly in opposition to Stalin’s form of communism. His ideas would eventually be accepted by the CCP. Meisner also contends that the Long March had enduring psychological effects on the communist contingent that were undoubtedly the most important feature of this new communism. He writes, â€Å"For Mao, at least, the experience served to reinforce his voluntaristic faith that the people with the proper will, spirit, and revolutionary consciousness could conquer all material obstacles and mold historical reality in accordance with their ideas and ideals.† (Meisner, 34) This so-called revolutionary consciousness combined with the passionate will to overcome great adversity, as displayed by Mao’s marchers, served as the greatest engine of communist success during the Chinese Civil War. However, a preceding war with the Japanese would create a rare opportunity for Mao and the Red Army to seize power in China. One of the most important pieces of the intricate puzzle of Chinese political struggle was the invasion of the neighboring Japanese which continued through World War II. Although the Guomigdang harbored superior weapons and were concentrated in some of the most important strategic positions, their leadership and numbers would be forever weakened by their invading neighbors. Although the Japanese were unable to hold large territories in China due to its enormous mass, they captured major cities and ports formerly under Chiang’s rule. The Guomindang could do little to stop the advances of the Japanese Imperial Army. Chiang was aware that he needed Western military aid in order to reclaim the cities he had lost in the East. However, his retreat to the center left Chiang with a single option for military success: implementing a strategy of guerilla warfare. In reality this was not a viable option for the Guomindang. In his article Origins of the Chinese Revolution, Lucien Bianco contends â€Å"Mobilizing the rural masses would have required transforming the Chinese countryside and limiting the power of large landowners; hence Chiang’s aversion to the idea,† (Bianco, 149) displaying Chiang’s lack of attractive options. If he were to unite and mobilize the peasantry he would risk the overthrow of large landowners—a consequence that played directly into the communist strategy. In other words Chiang would have to sacrifice his dominance over the Red Army in order to pacify the invaders from Japan. This turn of events seems almost too perfect for a Red Army that was poised to attack behind Japanese lines using guerilla warfare. The Red Army continued to chip away at the Imperial Army and eventually amassed a force over 3 million (two-thirds of which were militia) and the communists eventually ruled over 90 million peasants. The peasantry, as well as women and other previously excluded groups, would now be able to partake in the newly forming democracy. However, the majority of peasants joined the Red Army cause because it was necessary for survival. (Bianco, 150) Japanese soldiers were terrorizing the Chinese countryside and committing large scale atrocities that forced the peasantry into action. As Bianco puts it, â€Å"The thing to remember is that the peasant was often safer if he joined a guerilla detachment: since his life was in constant danger anyway, he was better off if he at least had a weapon.† (Bianco, 152) Their antipathy towards their enemies, both present and future, gave them strength of spirit that could not be matched by the Japanese or the Guomindang. Further atrocities committed by the Guomindang against the peasantry, including theft of food and murder, only furthered the peasantry’s love of the communist movement. As one patriotic war ended, another was looming over t he Chinese country. Among the most important factors in the Chinese Civil War were the failures in Chiang’s leadership and military strategy as well as the advancement of the people’s revolution. Chiang did not have the numbers to defend his holdings while attacking the Red Army. With his numbers greatly spread throughout the massive country, Chiang had great difficulty stopping the communist advance. The Red Army eradicated the Guomindag presence in the North and moved swiftly into Chiang’s territory. As hyperinflation due to poor economic policies afflicted Chiang’s regime, Mao was eventually able to finish off his opponent and reclaim Beijing by 1949. (Grasso, 124-129) The aforementioned people’s revolution was a way of uniting the peasants against the common enemy. Everyone was expected to contribute to the war effort, not simply to preach its necessity. Grasso contends â€Å"Alone, the peasantry lacked the insights, what Marxists call ‘consciousness,’ to make a genuinely socialist revolution,† (Grasso, 121) highlighting the mutual necessity that the people and the party shared in each other. In his speech entitled How to Be a Good Communist, Liu Shao-Ch’I reiterates the necessity of party unity and revolutionary consciousness stating, â€Å"†¦we must modestly listen to the opinions and criticisms of our comrades and of the masses, carefully study the practical problems in our lives and in our work and carefully sum up our experiences and the lessons we have learned so as to find an orientation for our work.† (Liu Shao-Ch’I, How To Be A Good Communist, 251) In other words, the partnership of the peasantry and the party were one of the strongest tools in the successful victory of the CCP. The peasant ry’s hatred of their oppressors became a major motivation for the overthrow of the Guomindang. Gold Flower’s Story, a chapter of Jack Belden’s book China Shakes the World, presents an insightful and useful microcosm of the agrarian communist viewpoint in Northern China. The specific instances presented in her story are quite particular to women, evident in Belden’s assessment â€Å"And there was a Gold Flower, more or less, beaten and bruised, saddened and soured, in every farm of North China.† (Belden, 288) However, the emotional hardships and overall struggle of Gold Flower and the countless other members of the abused female gender share common themes with the whole of the revolution and the Communist and Maoist supporters. The mistreated women of China also provided an effective and powerful outlet from which Party leaders could find support. As Belden continues, â€Å"The Communist Party saw her and schemed to serve her and themselves through her. She was that spirit that forgets nothing and forgives nothing. There she stood at the gate, slow burning revenge incarnate, waiting a better time, waiting an opportunity,† (Belden, 288) one is immediately taken by the spirit of revenge personified in Gold Flower. This need for revenge in the form of vigorous and frequently violent action acts as fuel to the flame that was the revolution. Here, one can see an obvious divide between the two parties. The violence perpetrated by Mao’s supporters heeds immediate results in the form of social change and freedom from oppression. Of course, there was a plethora of mistreatment in all forms perpetrated against the marginalized masses of rural China. Gold Flower’s struggle represents a shift in economic and social precepts that provide the basis for revolution. Under the regime of Chiang Kai-Shek and his Kuomintang predecessors, these marginalized groups stood little chance of peacefully and diplomatically obtaining equality of social standing and political prowess. Gold Flower echoes this sentiment of hopelessness. Early in Belden’s account he writes, â€Å"She felt as if a great weight were pressing down on her. Not able to marry the man she loved, not able even to kill herself so that she could remain loyal to her lover, completely done in and drained of all strength, she at last fell into a deep stupor,† (Belden, 284) highlighting the depressing nature of Golden Flower’s life. If the young girls inability to freely choose her destiny stands as a metaphor for the frustrations of t he people of her region, her husband’s cruelty and overall attitude is most certainly akin to the landowners’ perspective. Blind to the injustices that those in power had maintained, Chang aggressively remarks â€Å"As for the poor, if they have not enough to eat, let them go. As for the rich, do you think their property was stolen from others?† (Belden, 305). Unwilling to sacrifice personal standing for the greater good of all, men such as Chang soon became an easy target for the coming backlash. Simply because it was the most accessible and immediately effective tool afforded to communist revolutionaries, violence became the most important means by which the marginalized would repel their oppressors. Violence seems to satiate (at least temporarily) the anger and helplessness felt by the poor of China. The roles of victim and perpetrator could be instantly reversed. The power of action was now in the hands of the oppressed. As Dark Jade put it, â€Å"This is our day. This means the end of our suffering. The beginning of our hope.† (Belden, 289) Although the fact of the matter is that war inherently brings a multitude of violent acts, it is evident that the motives behind communist violence among the peasantry were significantly more powerful than those of their opponents. It was their only chance of evading the â€Å"black society† (Belden, 284) into which they had been thrust. The feats that the CCP accomplished are astounding considering their humble beginnings. Though much of their success is owed to events preceding the civil war, Mao’s management of his party as well as the fervor with which the communists united and mobilized cannot be discounted. Again, it is my contention that the success of the CCP was due to multiple factors. The first of which was the ability of Mao to strategize the mobilization and unification of the countryside. Secondly, Chiang was unable to effectively manage his political and economic as well as military policies during the Japanese invasion. Finally, the emotional and violent response to Nationalist and feudal repression was of overt importance to the war efforts of the Red Army as well as the advancement of the CCP. When put in perspective the accomplishments of Mao; whether social, political, or military; are nearly unfathomable.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Internal Marketing in Banks

Internal Marketing in Banks Management Information System The worlds local bank About HSBC BANK Headquartered in London, HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world. HSBCs international network comprises around 9,500 offices in 85 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. With listings on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings plc are held by around 200,000 shareholders in some 100 countries and territories. The shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange in the form of American Depositary Receipts. Through an international network linked by advanced technology, including a rapidly growing e-commerce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services: personal financial services; commercial banking; corporate, investment banking and markets; private banking; and other activities. History The HSBC Group has an international pedigree which is unique. Many of its principal companies opened for business over a century ago and they have a history which is rich in variety and achievement. The HSBC Group is named after its founding member, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, which was established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between China and Europe. Internal Marketing in HSBC BANK 1. Target Base Promotion Offers Under one of the Policies of the Bank, it provides the promotion depending upon the target which is met by the employees on the quarterly basis. The employees who will achieve the target get the Incentive and the next month foreign tours. For example on the target of the 8account opening, if any employee opens 10 accounts then he is given next month foreign trip. Thus the prompt target based promotion builds up employee’s motivation to give better services to the customer 2. Hierarchal form of Management HSBC BANK have a hierarchal form whereby each employee is answerable to one of the senior and this makes the obligation on the employees to motivate one to the other . The burden of business is transferred from one employee to the other in such a way that each one is responsible for the other performance. This way each internal customer is able be keep under the eye of its superior. Moreover the communication link which is important for a service industry is possible with the help of the this management system. 3. Event Management Under this head various events are organized from time to time in the banks to lure the high professionals for example Sales Tax Advocates, Income Tax Advocates and the Chartered Accountants etc so that external marketing could be more effective. Now the responsibilities of these events are on the internal customers and if they organize these events successfully it add on the credibility and the profitability of the internal customers and they are awarded with the various recognition prizes and awards for there effective leadership skills. This also helps to build up a relationship between the internal and external employees. 4. On The Roll Training High focus is always there on the training aspect of the internal customers. Training of the employees are given due importance from time to time and with the touch points of Human Resources for example whenever Bank want to design training schedule for its internal customers, it design it in the Five –star hotels with all the luxuries there out with all the facilities away from there routine work so this enables the internal employees to be stress-free and grasp the training modules practically. As an HR policy this enables the employees to increase in there efficiency and feel free from the routine work. As a result the employees will be able to add on more practical knowledge to it , when they return to there work. This is one of the prominent factor of the foreign Banks that they stress on the training module of the internal employees , which give them a chance to be more interactive with the other professionals of other branches and if they facing any problem they can sor t out with the help of the various training modules 5. Strong Management Information System Strong MIS base is one of the basic strength of any Foreign Bank, So in HSBC Bank also holds a good MIS system for example here the reporting system is so designed so as to provide no chaos among the internal employees and they can easily report to there seniors online only. 6. Online Tests/Quizzes/Learning Modules These tests are specially designed for every class of the employees in the HSBC so as to increase the handling efficiency of the internal customers with the help if of the case studies and the real life examples. Some of them are basic modules and they have to be cleared by the internal customers and some are there just to give them ranking by the HR professional which add-on to the character sketch of the employees and help them to be rated accordingly. 7. Systematic Employees coding Under this head the internal customers (employees) are given the Employee Code and the People Shop Code. Employee code is given to the employees so as to assess their performance, rating grading whereas the PS is given to the facility of the HR department so that the various online tests, HR activities n be handled conveniently. Thus we can see that how effectively the separate identification no for the Human resource convenience is given which benefit each and every internal customer separately. 8. Excellent Information Technology HSBC Bank has tied up with SAP in Asia to enhance the financial institutions bank corporate client integration system targeted for use globally. The improved system also has the potential to enable the exchange of richer information between HSBC and its business customers, according to the bank. HSBC currently offers a service that provides corporate clients access to an automated host-to-host system to facilitate secure transactions. Called HSBC Connect, the service enables the back-end systems of the bank and its enterprise customers to communicate seamlessly and securely. 9. Recreational Activities Time to time recreational activities are designed for the internal customer so as to decrease the stress of the employees. For example visit to Jim Corbett Park with full fledged facilities are provided to the employees. Thus as a foreign Bank internal marketing strategy they always focus on the Human resource aspect of the internal employees by provided the employee friendly environment with the help of the various recreational activities. 10. Employees Rating HSBC BANK has full-proof rating system whereby the employees are divided into the four categories as 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th .The level of the employees are rated according to this rating. Currently 1st batch rating is not given in HSBC India but it have been achieved by the international HSBC superiors. 11. Customer Friendly Environment As a internal customer friendly environment the internal customers are given flexible time allotment which makes the environment of the Bank more friendly. Basic amenities being a service sector is well considered in the foreign banks which actually amounts to the total increased efficiency American Express Service India Ltd Certain facts: A survey wad conducted by India Today in which 20 most reputed foreign banks were surveyed on certain parameters and American Express ranked 6th in Employee Satisfaction. (Source: India Today , June 2008 issue) American Express ranks 9th in the list of Fortune 500 companies.It comes under the A++ Category. Service Blueprint of American Express. Following are the steps involved in making their credit cards available to their customers:-1) Call to customer 2) Appointment 3) Meet customer 4) Documentation 5) Employee back to office 6) Prepare Dispatch 7) Send an E-mail to the processing department 8) Verification 9) Dump (rejection) 10) Card Approval 11) Card Issue 12) Payment 1) Call to customer :-A prior database is prepared of the prospective customers and they are called randomly by the tele callers of American Express. The details are narrated to them over the phone and those interested are promptly followed up. 2) Appointments :-The tele callers fix an appointment of the Relationship Officers with the interested customers. 3) Meet Customer :-A venue and time is decided according to the convenience of the customers and the Relationship Officer meets the customer as per the appointment fixed. 4) Documentation:- The Relationship officer asks the pre-requisites like personal details, type of credit card desired , what all are previously held by the prospect, etc. and the Relationship officer is required to verify all the details. 5) Employee back to office:-The relationship officer comes back to the office after collecting all the relevant details and prepares a summary of the case. 6) Prepare Dispatch :-The Relationship officer prepares a soft copy as well as a hard copy to be sent to the processing department. 7) Send an E-mail to the processing department :- The soft copy is mailed by the Relationship Officer to the processing department. 8) Verification:- The processing Department checks for the authenticity of the prospective client. They search their past records as to whether or not they have had any prior contact with the prospect. If in case it is revealed that their has been a prior association and the prospect was a defaulter in that case then they come in the category of â€Å"Cibil† clients. 9) Dump (rejection) :- The Cibil clients are simply rejected. 10) Card Approval:-A list of those customers is prepared who can be granted the credit cards. 11) Card Issue:- Thereafter, the card is issued to the customers. 12) Payment :-The bank sends the statement to the customers after one month and the customers are supposed to make their payment within a span of 45 days. Hierarchy of American Express Internal Marketing In American Express Bank The responsibility of dealing with the customers at American Express is on two people Recruitment: Both the telecallers and Relationship Officers are hired through consultants. However, holding an M.B.A. degree is a must for the Relationship Officer. In case the person does not hold an M.B.A Degree then he is expected to have served in the same industry for a period of not less than 3 years. The Relationship Officer is expected to have a dynamic personality, excellent Communication skills, good motivator, should have good convincing powers, etc. All these attributes are necessary because the Relationship Officer is the person who makes the direct contact with the prospective customers. He has the maximum â€Å"Encounters† with the customers. Training: The American Express bank has hired an International body, which provides training in Bangalore and Delhi in the five star hotels. The duration of training is 10-15 days. Training is provided at all the levels. The new employees are told about the history of the company, the company profile, their services, customer profile, area/location, market share, competitors and industry associates. It is basically a knowledge enhancing session. The trainer asks the new employee to deal with him as a customer. These will provide relevant insight as to how he reacts to customer queries and such training prepares him for crucial service encounters. Appraisal: The Appraisal System at American Express is Target Achievement oriented. The KPAs and KRA’s are predefined. A target of 21 points is given to them in a month on the basis of their dealing with the Externals and Internals. Externals are first time users and Internals are those that had a previous association. If a deal is done with Externals they get 3 -1/2 points and if with Internals they get 1 point. In the end their appraiser combines all the points and on the basis of that they are given rewards, promotions, demotions, counseling, training, etc, as the case may be. Employees are also appraised on the basis of the category they belong to: G TargetsM – Interpersonal Skills G1 M1 – Targets over achieved and excellent interpersonal skills.G2 M2 – 100% achievement of targets and good interpersonal skills.G3 M3 – 50%– 60% achievement of targets and average interpersonal skills.G4 M4 – Targets not achieved and poor interpersonal skills. Culture :-Core Culture :- Quality, cleanliness, service and price.â€Å" The paramount idiom in American Express is total customer satisfaction†.There is no job pressure and since the employees are highly satisfied and motivated sothey service they provide to the customer is also very satisfactory. Strategies for Internal Marketing Adopted By American Express Bank Ltd. FAIR PRACTICES CODE FOR CREDIT CARD OPERATIONS American Express Bank Ltd. (hereinafter referred to ‘the Bank’) has a reputation for customer service and sound compliance. The Bank has various policies and procedures that govern its business activities and operations. Further, the Bank has compliance and other internal programs designed to ensure compliance with laws and regulations of countries where it does business. This Fair Practice Code (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Code’) for credit card operations is designed to guide and demonstrate the Bank’s commitment to fair and ethical management of its business activities operations related to issuance of cards, customer service and other related activities. BANK’S VISION AND OPERATING PRINCIPLES Vision: To become the worlds most respected service brand. Operating Principles: We must provide a superior value proposition to Everything we do shouldØWe must achieve Best-in-Class EconomicsØcustomersØour BrandØsupport the American Express BUSINESS ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW The Bank and its employees shall ensure that ethical conduct shall permeate all our business dealings and relationships. In a rapidly evolving credit card business, the Bank and its employees shall ensure ethical conduct in offering products and services, business activities, operations and customer services. The Bank shall conduct its business in accordance with applicable laws and regulations The Bank has competent individuals managing regulatory affairs and advising business leaders about compliance requirements. The Bank has a sound compliance program to ensure high level of compliance to applicable laws and regulations. CARDS – SALES AND MARKETING The Bank shall provide full and complete disclosure of products and services, their features and costs to enable a prospective customer to make an informed decision / choice The Bank shall provide information on: Applicable fees Key features of our products and services particulars, Documents required with regard to identity, contact and other charges How a customer’s personal information §employment, financial standing, etc. Terms Details of Bank contact for seeking additional information shall be used billing and payment, and conditions related to fees and interest charges, other aspects related to maintenance and §renewal, termination procedures and card accounts. management of The Bank’s advertising and marketing campaigns shall use truthful and whole statements about Bank’s products and services The Bank shall ensure that the whole of an advertisement is truthful, shall inform customers of costs and obligations as well as benefits and features. The advertisements may not mislead by using tricky or clever wording. The Bank shall have a Code of Conduct for its agents and others who sell, distribute or otherwise market Bank’s card products. The Bank shall ensure that all agents who sell, distribute or otherwise market Bank’s card products have a Code of Conduct for their dealings with prospective customers and Cardmembers. The Bank shall have monitoring process in place to review the agent’s compliance to this code, at regular intervals. CARD OPERATIONS AND CUSTOMER SERVICE The Bank shall have effective processes and systems to ensure quality in operations and customer service The Bank shall maintain effective processes and systems to maintain quality in following card operations activities: Timely § Dispatch §decision to customers §processing for applications and communication of communication to inform about §of credit card in a secured mode and follow-up Availability of contact centers such as telephone service §issuance of card centers for customers to contact for information or queries on products, services and related subjects Timely dispatch of credit card statements Timely processing of payments received from credit card customers Receipt and satisfactory disposition of customer correspondences and complaints The Bank may have processes to honor customers’ choices and preferences during the period of customer relationship The Bank may have processes to honor customers’ choices with regard to the following, subject to certain terms and conditions: Change of payment modes within types offered by the Bank Opting out from receipt of Bank’s marketing and promotional materials Voluntary termination of credit card facility The Bank shall treat customers with respect and dignity during collection efforts The Bank has policies and employee training programs to guide employees to exhibit courteous and fair behavior during collection efforts. The Bank shall ensure that all collection and recovery agents have a Fair Practice Code for their dealings with the customers.The Bank shall have monitoring process in place to review the agent’s compliance to this code, at regular intervals. CUSTOMER PRIVACY The Bank shall safeguard the privacy, confidentiality and security of customer data entrusted with it. The Bank has privacy principles to ensure that the customer information collected is relevant, accurate and confidential. The Bank has adequate standards to protect customer accounts and information. These standards allow customers to remove their names from lists used for mail, telephone and online marketing. All employees shall be trained in customer privacy principles as appropriate to their work. FAIR COMPETITION The Bank shall comply fully with the letter and spirit of laws designed to preserve free and open competition The Bank strongly supports vigorous but fair competition. The Bank shall make completely factual and truthful statements about our own products or those of our competitions, whether in advertising or in speaking to customers or others The making of false or misleading statements about our competitors is inconsistent with our reputation for integrity. The Bank and its employees shall deal fairly and honestly with all customers and suppliers. COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE This is a non-statutory code and the Bank shall take efforts to adhere to it during normal operating environment. The Bank shall not be held responsible for non-compliance due to force major conditions and other reasons for which the Bank enjoys privilege and right over the code. This code does not in anyway prevent the Bank from exercising its rights and discharging its duties and obligations under law, regulations, agreement, terms and conditions, etc. in force and varied from time to time. Process Of On-Line Marketing through excellent Internal Marketing Practices At American Express Bank Information Collection If the customer is not registered for any online service from American Express, he can browse the Site anonymously. They do not collect personal information such as the customer’s name, address, phone number or e-mail address if you are only browsing this site. American Express does, however, use cookies to collect information about how our site is used. Information, such as the server your computer is logged onto, the customer’s browser type (for example, Netscape or Internet Explorer), and whether the customer responded to an American Express banner ad or e-mail is collected and tracked in aggregate and not linked to you personally. They use this information to measure response rates to banner ads and e-mail offers. Registration for Online Products and Services If the customers want to apply for or take advantage of our online products or services, the Bank will need them to give us some personal information, including their e-mail address and account number. The bank only collect information about the customer, which they need to process application, to service accounts and other needs, to offer new products and services, and to satisfy legal requirements. The Bank will also use this information for purposes such as correspondence, site registration, allowing customers to check your statement or other account details online, to make a purchase, or to participate in online surveys etc. The Bank will also share such information with our affiliates and other for the purposes described elsewhere in this Statement. Quality of Information The Bank uses advanced technology, documented employee procedures and internal monitoring to help ensure that the personal information is accurate and up-to-date. In addition, they require high standards of quality from credit reporting agencies and others who provide us with information about prospective customers or other services. Security Before you can send confidential personal information or account information to us on an American Express Web site, we require that a secure session is set up using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). About SSL and the safety and confidentiality of personal information transmissions over the Internet. They use a range of security processes to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information CONCLUSION In this section, we attempt to review the important and role of internal marketing in foreign banks of India. Service sector contributes major part of gdp of India. And is one of the most sectors which have too much potential in the sector. There is approx 10% growth in financial sector every year. And hence it’s very important to have continues reforms in that area. India’s leading bank is SBI, there are number of public and private banks too having good market. Still a number of people didn’t want to go on for banks because of fear of all the different technicalities and other factors. It’s in mind of customers that they have to run from 1 place to other without any result and there money in not secure. So now banks are paying more stress in internal marketing. With the liberalization of economy few foreign banks have entered in India and with that new techniques of marketing are growing. This study is to know the internal marketing of foreign banks especially American bank and HSBC. Foreign banks pays quite stress on the internal marketing because in services customer have to deal with employees directly and its quite important to have a proper selection process too. In service sector more than marketing word of mouth plays important role, a satisfied customer will lead to many more customers. And foreign players are quite good in implementing this concept in there work process. Now Indian banks are laso using the concept of internal marketing effectively. Bibliography WEBSITES

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Testing in Schools Essay -- essays research

â€Å"Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco Testing†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The procedure of testing student for drugs, alcohol and tobacco before every school day should be allowed. The fact that the subject of drug testing has even been brought up is a sign that illegal substances have become troublesome in high school environments. Therefore, school officials should be allowed to use any means necessary to discourage the use of these illegal substances, even if it means that the school officials could become dangerously close to violating the students’ constitutional rights. A student under the influence of drugs or alcohol could endanger his or her fellow students or faculty and that student should not be allowed to attend that school. School officials must protect those who are at that school, so having a student whose actions are being controlled by illegal substances would not be the best way to protect the students and faculty. Students should be tested everyday for drugs, alcohol, and tobacco so that the students are healt hier, the students have better grades, and the students never start doings things that could have a negative impact on their future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, schools should be allowed to test students for illegal substances everyday so that the students are healthier. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco have all been proven to be very unhealthy to a person at any age, especially to a person in his or her teenage years when he or she is still growing. In...